

The weather at Auyuittuq in july looks like what?

Weather elements[modifier]

According to the climate archive of Environment Canada (I choose Fox Five, which is the closest station from Auyuittuq):

Normals from June to September for FOX FIVE, NUNAVUT (Latitude: 67° 32' N, Longitude: 63° 47' W, Elevation: 584.40 m)

Temperature Jun July Aug Sep
Daily Average (°C) -0.4 4.4 3.1 -2.5
Standard Deviation 2.3 1.7 1.8 1
Daily Maximum (°C) 2.4 7.3 5.9 -0.4
Daily Minimum (°C) -3.1 1.4 0.4 -4.5
Extreme Maximum (°C) 17.8 18.3 18.9 14.4
Date (yyyy/dd) 1973/29 1965/22+ 1973/21 1962/04+
Extreme Minimum (°C) -12.2 -8.9 -7.8 -13.9
Date (yyyy/dd) 1963/03+ 1972/03+ 1972/22 1972/29
Rainfall (mm) 3.4 16.3 15.9 2.9
Snowfall (cm) 15.2 10.5 10.2 30
Precipitation (mm) 18.6 26.8 26.1 32.9
Average Snow Depth (cm) 32 4 1 8
Median Snow Depth (cm) 32 3 1 5
Snow Depth at Month-end (cm) 13 3 2 20
Extreme Daily Rainfall (mm) 35.6 15 25.4 14.5
Date (yyyy/dd) 1966/27 1972/26 1959/07 1971/07
Extreme Daily Snowfall (cm) 35.6 17 17.8 33
Date (yyyy/dd) 1973/21 1984/31 1968/07+ 1967/18
Extreme Daily Precipitation (mm) 35.6 17 25.9 33
Date (yyyy/dd) 1966/27+ 1984/31 1959/07 1967/18
Extreme Snow Depth (cm) 150 117 25 81
Date (yyyy/dd) 1970/01+ 1973/01 1973/01 1967/19+
Maximum Hourly Speed (km/h) 74 121 74 183
Date (yyyy/dd) 1987/27+ 1956/22 1984/22 1997/24
Direction of Maximum Hourly Speed NW SW NW S
Average Relative Humidity - 0600LST (%) 86.6 79 81.4 90.4

Sunset & sunrise[modifier]

According to, the day are very long in summer at Auyuittuq.

Auyuittuq sunrise sunset.png

We'll loose around 10 minutes of daylight every day!

Daily variation daylight Auyuittuq.png

The sun is very low in the sky, even in middle of summer.

Auyuittuq sun altitude.png



According to Timezone, the time zone of Auyuittuq is Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-4). This timezone is one hour later than our current timezone (Eastern Standard Time). You can also want to look at the map of the timezone in Canada.

Nunavut has, surprisely, a summer time. So the difference will be the same even in summer.

Satellite images[modifier]

Courtesy of Environment Canada: