Factor analysis
De Octet.ca
Potential DPs[modifier]
- Establish a firm base in the JOA.
- Quickly establish a credible deterrent force.
- Maintain sea denial.
- Establish a viable defence prior to Zultarian attack.
- Gain air superiority (defensive phase only).
- Neutralize C2 systems (defensive phase only).
- Defeat Zultarian forces in PANTERRIA (defensive phase only).
- Zamboni insurgency commenced at higher level
- Zultar forces mobilized
- Casper sea oil fields captured by Zultar oil fields
- CJTF in defensible position and deterrence posture established.
- Sustainability achieved
- Oil fields defended
DPs gathered from Strengths and weakenesses[modifier]
- ISR deployed
- APOD and SPOD deployed
- Main body deployed
- LOC protected
- Zultarian forces deterred
- Liaison in place
- Sea lanes open
- pre-deployment completed
- regrouping completed
- ZU deterred
- Pete anointed Supreme Dictator of PA
Task Analysis[modifier]
- Formulate plans and procedures for receiving contributed forces and trans-ferring operational control to COMCJTF upon arrival in the Joint Opera-tional Area (JOA);
- forces from contributing nations to ensure optimum combat effectiveness and maximize force protection;
- Coordinate movements of forces into and out of the JOA;
- Arrange for protection of strategic airlift and sealift assets while in the JO; and
- Air Defense: Force protection of critical infrastructure and friendly forces
- Land: Point defense of bridges along rivers
- Sea: Establish presence IVO oilfields
- Sea: deploy maritime forces ASAP to establish presence prior to 30 days mobilisation of Zultar
- Land: be prepared to defend 3 lines of approach
- Air and Land: ISR on 3 avenues of approach
- Be prepared (for maritime):
- Be prepared to conduct deception ops
- Land: be prepared to defend 3 lines of approach
- Air and Maritime: secure rexpective APOD and SPOD
- Land: Point defense of bridges along rivers
- Secure APOD and SPOD
- Maintain ISR on 3 avenues of approach
- Establish and maintain air superiority
- deploy maritime forces before Zultar can mobilize
- Pre-deployment cultural awareness training
- Strategic IO campaign (including)
- Zamboni centric campaign
- Panterrian minority in Zultar
- Establish common C2 structure with UN
- Require PPP (presence, posture, protection) plan. Including ROEs
- Establish maritime presence in Casper Oil fields
- Establish liaison with Panterrian armed forces
- Avoid collateral damage within Panterria
- maintain freedom of action within Panterria
- OPSEC (Step 3 JIPB)
- ZU Freedom of movement (Step 3 JIPB)
- IO (Step 3 JIPB)
- Clear Mines from SPODS and SLOCS(Step 3 JIPB)
- JAM ZU transmission in defence plan (Step 3 JIPB)
Essential tasks[modifier]
- Sustain PA and own forces
- Non-permissive entry (Sea and Air)
- Quick deployment
- ISTAR (Zamboni, En mobilization I&W, En C4)
- Maintain SLOC
- Air superiority (CDA, CAS, etc).
- Lack of Resources (ie OIL)
- ZU is numerically superior, therefore late arrival of coalition may result in an opposed ldg/deployment
- APOD/SPOD are within range of ZU forces
- Long COALITION/PA resupply chain, SUSTAINMENT
- Zamboni uprisings
- Jardinian Unity behind/in support of ZU
- Terrain, mountains restrict maneuver and ISR
- Mobilization time of Coalition Forces
- Public Opinion
- Risk of Mines in habours/strait
- PA has extensive and developed ground transportation system (eg, bridges)
ZULTAR (ZU)[modifier]
- Retaliation in response to overt aggression
- Randover is sole centre of power, centralized command
- Zamboni uprisings
- Terrain, mountains restrict maneuver and ISR
- Public Opinion
- Limited Road structure
- Kolban straight
- Panterria minority in Zultar